For those of you who love to hike, Idyllwild offers some incredible hiking trails. The other day, Christine C. sent in the following picture of them hiking on Ernie Maxwell Trail, and couldn't believe how nice it was hiking it. The picture was taken Saturday morning, August 18th, after the rain and after the nearby fire. She noted that she loved this section of the trail which is about half way between Humber Park and the dirt road, just beyond a creek bed. The oaks are very large and well established there, they have such a feeling of sanctuary and peace. The Ernie Maxwell trail was relatively untouched from the fire. Christine noted that she had been walking the trail in the mornings since the first day after they reopened the area after the fire. The number of people on it are down from the beginning of the summer but there’s still a number of the regular hikers on the trail. Everyone is extremely caring about leaving trash along the trail, so you do feel that people care about nature to keep this place of beauty a joy to hike on. Christine. Thank you for sending this your hiking experience along Ernie Maxwell Trail. Thanks. Martha.
For all those what want to check out the current conditions outside of our offices in Idyllwild, here it is - a live view of Idyllwild via the IdyllwildCam
When a town comes together to help the people putting their lives on the line to help save the town!
#idyllwildstrong Here here your chance to help out those that were less fortunate in nearby towns. On August 17-19, 2018, #IdyllwildStrong will host the Cranston Fire Benefit Festival. Where: Idyllwild Town Hall - Main Stage 40+ Bands and Artists 10+ Venues 30+ Auction Items On July 25, 2018, the fire which became known as the Cranston Fire started along SR-74, allegedly by an arsonist. That fire ultimately consumed nearly 13,139 acres. The town of Idyllwild, Pine Cove and surrounding towns were forced to evacuate over the weekend, but luckily, due to the efforts of first responders and fire fighters, Idyllwild and Pine Cove were virtually untouched. Most of the fire damage was on the other side of the ridge line, so from within Idyllwild and Pine Cove, life is back to normal. Yes, you do see signs of the fire on the road up on SR-74, but within the town, we really were unscathed as seen in the photos that we took of the mountain peaks. Everyone here in the Idyllwild-Pine Cove area is safe and sound following the first that was set by an arson. We all would like to send a big Thank You out to all the First Responders and the heroic Firefighters that battled the nearby Cranston Fire. You guys are awesome. Idyllwild and Pine Cove were virtually untouched. The US Forestry Service issued their final update on Aug 4, 2018. Life is returning to normal and we're still as picturesque as we have always been. On Aug 10, 2018, the Cranston Fire was stated as being 100% contained. Below is a sample of the landscape in and around Idyllwild. If you have any questions what so ever, please give us a call. |